29th Set 2022
Call for Composers Slovenia 2023
We are pleased to announce the first Call for Composers, integrated into the Sounds of Change, a Creative Europe Project supported by the European Union. The winning work will be premiered at the final concert of the Orchestral Academy that will happen in Slovenia in 2023.
- “Sounds of Change”, a Creative Europe project, announces the call for composers for the Orchestral Academy in Slovenia in 2023.
- The call is open to composers born after 1982.
- The instrumentation for this call: 2 2 2 2 – 4 2 3 0 – tmp + 1 and strings.
- The work’s duration should be between 5 (five) and 8 (eight) minutes.
- The works submitted to the competition must not have been performed, published or awarded. The jury will exclude all pieces that have been made public or commissioned. The works must be strictly unpublished. The jury will exclude all works awarded in any national or international competition.
- Each applicant may submit only one piece to the competition.
- The participants should lay out the work in a manuscript or a computer program (Sibelius, Finale, or similar) in one PDF file.
- The participants must apply to this Call for Composers using the link https://forms.gle/KRyt5PcUo69yLrBSA.
- Before sending the compositions to the jury members, the production team will guarantee that the author’s name is secret. Therefore, the scores must not show any evidence that identifies its author.
- Along with the competing work, the participant must send a photocopy of an identification document (ID or passport), a summarised curriculum, a photo and a brief text about the work.
- The participants must send the work and the additional documents by e-mail to the address info@soundsofchange.eu.
- September 29th, 2022: Release and publication of the call;
- December 15th, 2022: Deadline for the application;
- June 15th, 2023: Deadline for the delivery of the scores (the jury will not consider the works that arrive at the destination address after that date);
- June 30th 2023: Announcement of the winner (name of the composer and title of the work) on the Sounds of Change website and social media;
- July 10th 2023: Deadline for the delivery of all the respective parts;
- September 2023: Premiere of the winning work, during the Ljubljana Festival 2023
- The value of the 1st Prize is 5.000 (five thousand) euros. The award is also considered payment of premiere copyrights, equipment rental and score editing for the winning works. The scores of the winning piece (1st Prize) may be published.
- The author of the winning work undertakes to mention, on the edited score and for future public presentations programs, a brief text such as “Awarded piece in the “Sounds of Change” International Call for Composers 2023”.
- The members of the jury are:
- Aleksandar Stankov (Artistic Director of the Serbian National Theatre);
- Benedict Klockner (Artistic Director of the International Music Festival Koblenz);
- Lolo Fernández (Stage Director, Clown/Actor at Cirque du Soleil, Musician and Conservatory Teacher);
- Osvaldo Ferreira (Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Orquestra Filarmónica Portuguesa);
- Živa Peršuh (Artistic Director of the Ljubljana International Orchestra, ART BSA and the platform European Career Centre for Artists Triple Bridge)
- The jury may decide not to select any competing work.
- Participation in this competition implies the acceptance of all the articles of these Regulations.
- Omissions herein shall be resolved by the jury.
Tagged 29th Set 2022